Instructions to get started

Follow the next steps to get your repository set up

  1. Fork rse-scavenger-hunt by clicking Fork in the upper right section of the repository page

  2. You will be asked a couple of options for your fork. Keep the default options. Make sure you keep the check on copy the main branch only fork options

  3. Once your fork is created, go to the Settings of your repository by clicking that option on the top right.

  4. In the Settings page, you will need to enable Issues issues settings

  5. On the top part, now click Actions enable workflow

  6. GitHub will ask your permission to enable the workflows from the repository you forked. Enable the workflows, by clicking the green button option.

  7. Select on the left side, the setup new repo workflow.

  8. The middle part of the screen will show a blue banner with an option to Run workflow. Pick the main branch and press in the green button to Run workflow. run workflow

  9. If the setup went smoothly you should see something like the following workflow success