Welcome to SPEADI's Documentation Page
is a Python package that aims to characterise the dynamics of local chemical environments from Molecular
Dynamics trajectories of proteins and other biomolecules.
SPEADI provides the user tools with which to characterise the local chemical environment using Molecular Dynamics data. At the moment, it implements two variations of the pair radial distribution function (RDF): time-resolved RDFs (TRRDFs) and van Hove dynamic correlation functions (VHFs).
Quick install
For installation into the default python environment, run the following pip command in a terminal:
Or, to install just into the current user's local environment, add the --user
Normally, Radial Distribution Functions used in atomistic simulations are averaged over entire trajectories. SPEADI
averages over user-defined windows of time. This gives a separate RDF between group a and b for each window in the
Time-resolved RDFs
This package provides a method to calculate Time-resolved Radial Distribution Functions using atomistic simulation
trajectory data. This is implemented efficiently using Numpy
arrays and the Numba
package when available.
Trajectory data may be anything that the package MDTraj
can handle, or preferably a string pointing to the location of
such data.
Data requirements
The trajectory data used must be sampled to a sufficient degree. The sampling frequency of the input data naturally determines the time-resolving capability of the time-resolved RDF. When using both small groups for reference particles and selection particles, the sampling frequency must be high enough to provide an ensemble of distances in each time slice that provides a satisfactory signal-to-noise ratio.
In RDFs of particular ions around selected single atoms in all-atom simulations of biomolecules, experience suggests a sampling frequency of below 1 picosecond and window lengths of 1-10 picoseconds to follow changes in coordination shells of atoms.
van Hove functions
This package also provides a method to calculate the van Hove dynamic correlation function using atomistic simulation
trajectory data. This is also implemented efficiently using Numpy
arrays and the Numba
package when available.
Trajectory data may be anything that the package MDTraj
can handle, or preferably a string pointing to the location of
such data.
Data requirements
As with TRRDFs, the input trajectory data must be sampled above a certain frequency. Window lengths of 1-2 picoseconds are enough to follow the loss in structure in all-atom simulations of water, with each window containing anything above 10 samples.
VHFs of ions around single atoms in do not require sample frequencies above those consistent with the time-scale of the movement of ions, yet they do require a larger number of windows to average over. This number of windows can either be supplied by using a trajectory or trajectory slice of preferably at least 10 ns in length, or alternatively by using a sliding window over a trajectory slice of at least 1 ns in length.
Installation is provided easily through pip
. It can be installed either directly as a package, or as an editable source.
As a default, SPEADI
doesn't install JAX
or Numba
, but uses these if detected in the same Python environment that
is installed into.
To install JAX
and jaxlib
along with SPEADI
, simply add the jax
extra to pip
using pip (through pypi) only enables CPU acceleration. To enable GPU or TPU
acceleration, please see https://github.com/google/jax for details on how to obtain a JAX
installation for the
specific CuDNN
version in your environment.
To install Numba
along with SPEADI
, simply add the numba
extra to pip
Or, to install both jax
and numba
alongside SPEADI
, add the all
extra to pip
pip option may be added to all of these commands to install just for the current user.
Editable source installation
Open up a terminal. Navigate to the location you want to clone this repository. Then, run the following to clone the entire repository:
Then, install locally using pip
by adding the -e
Time-Resolved Radial Distribution Functions (TRRDFs)
To calculate the time-resolved RDF for every single protein heavy atom with each ion species in solvent, you first need to specify the trajectory and topology to be used:
Next, load the topology in MDTraj
and subset into useful groups:
import mdtraj as md
top = md.load_topology(topology)
na = top.select('name NA')
cl = top.select('name CL')
protein_by_atom = [top.select(f'index {ix}')
for ix in top.select('protein and not type H')]
Now you can load SPEADI
to obtain RDFs:
To make an RDF for each heavy protein atom
r, g_rt = sp.trrdf(trajectory, protein_by_atom, [na, cl],
top=top, n_windows=1000, window_size=500,
skip=0, pbc='general', stride=1, nbins=400)
To repeat the analysis, but obtain integral of \(g(r)\) instead, simply replace trrdf
with int_trrdf
r, n_rt = sp.int_trrdf(trajectory, protein_by_atom, [na, cl],
top=top, n_windows=1000, window_size=500,
skip=0, pbc='general', stride=1, nbins=400)
Van-Hove Functions (VHFs)
First, load a topology as above using MDTraj
, then define the reference and target groups:
import mdtraj as md
top = md.load_topology(topology)
water_H = top.select('name HW2')
target_atom = top.select('resid 129 and name OG')
Next, calculate the VHF for this site over the whole trajectory:
r, G_s, G_d = sp.vanhove(trajectory, target_atom, [water_H],
top=top, n_windows=1000, window_size=500,
skip=0, pbc='general', stride=1, nbins=400)
Add Zenodo link when tagging first release version.
Add DOI of Paper after preprint and/or acceptance.
We gratefully acknowledge the following institutions for their support in the development of SPEADI and for granting compute time to develop and test SPEADI.
- Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. (www.gauss-centre.eu) and the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC)
on the GCS Supercomputer JUWELS at Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
- HDS-LEE Helmholtz Graduate School
SPEADI Copyright © 2022 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Supercomputing Centre and the Authors
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.